Championing Your Rights in Collections Lawsuits

We empathize with the feeling of being the underdog in collections lawsuits, where the system may seem overwhelming and unfair. However, you're not on your own in this journey. We're here to help level the field. Don't allow doubt to paralyze you; take the initial leap. Set up a free consultation with Matt Curry. Allow him to fight for your cause, safeguard your future, and strive for the success you deserve."

Medical Billing

Navigating Medical Billing and Collections Lawsuits: Your Path to Financial Relief

Are you living paycheck to paycheck, overwhelmed by mounting medical bills, bill collections, or medical billing lawsuits, and hesitant to seek help due to embarrassment or worries about costs? You’re not alone. At MPC LAW, we understand the unique challenges you face, and we’re here to offer you a lifeline in your time of need.

Experience Matters

When it comes to medical billing and collections lawsuits, experience is invaluable. Our founder, Matt Curry, brings personal experience related to medical billing to the forefront. He has witnessed firsthand the complexities of healthcare billing, making him uniquely qualified to help you navigate this challenging terrain.

Flawed Medical Billing

The healthcare industry is vast and complex, and it’s not without its flaws. Patients across the country often find themselves facing inaccuracies, overcharges, or bills for services they never received. Understanding your medical bills can be a daunting task, and the lack of transparency within this industry can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and powerless. That’s where MPC LAW comes in. We’re here to shed light on these issues, provide clarity, and ensure that you’re only responsible for what you rightfully owe. With MPC LAW and Matt Curry by your side, you can take proactive steps to address the flaws in medical billing and regain control over your financial well-being.

Your Dedicated Ally

We understand that medical bills can be a source of embarrassment and stress, and the fear of legal costs can be paralyzing. But you don’t have to face this battle alone. We’re not just your legal counsel; we’re your trusted partner, committed to your financial well-being.

Possible Defenses and Outcomes

There are various strategies we can employ to address medical billing and collections lawsuits. We explore potential errors, request verification of debts, negotiate settlements, and, when necessary, defend your rights in court. Our goal is not just to resolve your case but to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. We work tirelessly to find the best possible outcome, whether it’s reducing your debt, securing a manageable payment plan, or pursuing all available defenses and claims.  

Accessible and Affordable Representation

At MPC LAW, we believe that seeking legal counsel should be as easy and convenient as a chat with a friend. We understand that taking time off work, traveling to an attorney’s office, and dealing with the hassles of parking can be both time-consuming and costly. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to break down these barriers and reshape the way you access legal services. With our cloud-based case management system, web conferencing via Zoom or Teams, and a user-friendly client portal, we’ve created an accessible and efficient way for you to communicate with us, share documents, and stay updated on your case—all from the comfort of your own home. 

Our commitment is to provide cost-effective, attainable legal guidance, so you can focus on what matters most in your life. Join us in embracing this modern approach to legal support, designed with your convenience in mind.

Take the First Step

Don’t let fear or embarrassment hold you back. Reach out to us and schedule a free consultation with Matt Curry. It’s a chance to discuss your concerns, explore your options, and discover how we can alleviate the stress and financial strain you’re experiencing. Let us be your dedicated ally on your path to financial relief. You don’t have to face this challenge alone; we’re here to help you reclaim control over your financial future.

Our Commitment to You

Matt Curry is not just an attorney and MPC LAW is not just a law firm; we’re advocates for individuals like you who find themselves facing the daunting prospect of collections lawsuits. We're here to level the playing field and guide you on a clear path forward.

Ready to take control of your financial future?

Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation. Let Matt Curry put his industry knowledge and experience to work for you.
  • P.O. Box 363
    Delaware, OH 43015
  • 18 E William St #3
    Delaware, OH 43015-2332
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